Name: “Eye” Hudson

Title: The Eye

Nickname: Eye

Age: According to some of his journals he is hundreds of years old, although most people don't think this is true. (This is one of the only pieces of information recovered from his journals and it's not that clear)


Back Story: Mostly unknown. TIC-1 claims to of found TIC-2 but doesn’t specify where or when. Becomes TIC-1’s step brother at some point.

How did they join TIO: Creator along with TIC-1.

Species: Eye creature with the ability to change his appearance (True form is unknown. Some think his eye form is his true form). His two preferred forms are his giant eye form and humanoid body form with an eye as a head.

Extra: He writes in his journals a lot. The last person to be caught reading The Eye's journals was punished immensely by him. His eye can change colour, mostly when his mood changes. He has some telepathic abilities.

Image By Mr Penguin#0001